Dentist in Leeds

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For Woodhouse Lane

New Smile Dental Care
95 Selby Road
Leeds LS15 7JL
0113 240 5119NewSmile Selby Road
New Smile Dental Care
178 Woodhouse Lane
Leeds LS2 9HB
0113 242 5528NewSmile Woodhouse Lane

Your First Appointment

Medical History

Please come 5 minutes before your first appointment as we will ask you to complete a medical history form to help us provide the best dental care for you

Once you have discussed your needs and done an initial examination, we usually take digital xrays and discuss the finding with you

Once a diagnosis has been made, we will then discuss the various treatment and finance options with you

More complex cases may require further investigations, photographs, and further diagnostic visits.

A treatment plan will be presented for signing and once accepted, appointments can be arranged to provide the treatment.