Dental Implants in Leeds

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For Woodhouse Lane

New Smile Dental Care
95 Selby Road
Leeds LS15 7JL
0113 240 5119NewSmile Selby Road
New Smile Dental Care
178 Woodhouse Lane
Leeds LS2 9HB
0113 242 5528NewSmile Woodhouse Lane

Missing Teeth » Dental Implants

Dental Implants

Have lost all or some of your natural teeth? Bridges, dentures and flexible dentures are not the only solution, thanks to advances in modern dentistry. Dental implants are small metal screws that are placed in the jaw so that crowns, bridges and dentures can be fixed onto them.

Implant dentistry offers a clinically proven and safe solution to getting back a great smile and being able to bite and chew with confidence. When you lose your natural teeth, your jaw bone and surrounding tissues start to resorb or disappear over time. When implants are placed in the jaw, it stimulates the remaining bone to grow and mesh around the metal, along with tiny blood vessels. More importantly, implants help restore function so you can eat, chew and bite without your dentures falling out or having to stick to a soft food diet for the rest of your life.

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